Sunday, October 30, 2011

New Do

So this child of mine has some WEIRD bad habits, I wont mention all of them just her cracking her knuckles, cracking her neck, and chewing on her hair. And I am grossed out by all three of these. But the worst was when she came home from school and the ends of her hair looked like someone had taken a torch to the ends, she must have had a stressful day at school cause she chewed her hair to pieces, honestly I was pulling hairballs out and throwing them away. It was gross, so the next day I took her to the mall and got her a haircut. And now, no more hair chewing! Yeah:)




  1. HOLY CUTENESS!! She looks so adorable with that hair cut. It makes her hair look so much thicker too. I can't believe how long it was before. Way to be brave Ani!!

  2. Way cute, it was fun to go with you guys and listen to her say funny things to the hairdresser :)

  3. very cute! fun to catch up a bit on your blog. very excited for you guys and your little one on his way!
