Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas 2010

Our Christmas started out at our friends house on Christmas Eve for dinner, Christmas story, bingo and prizes, and a little service project of making blankets to donate to Project Linus. It was an awesome night, the kids had fun, we had delicious food, hung out with friends and the missionaries and once again were reminded of how lucky we are to have great people around us when we are not "home".

And our Christmas was also perfect! We slept until about eight, opened presents, played for awhile, had crepes for breakfast, stayed in our pajamas all day, played Beatles Rockband and Toy Story on the wii, and later had nachos and watched movies. It was relaxing and tons of fun. Although, we did skype our families and got pretty homesick too.

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Jossy was a lot of fun this year. She was very excited about presents and wanted to open them if they were under the tree so we had to wait to put any under. She bought Ani a new shirt and helped wrap it, she was so happy to finally be able to give it to her!
This year she did not really suggest any toys so she was happy with everything. A few of her favorites were a bumblebee pillow pet from Grandma and Grandpa J, and a new baby doll and stroller (she named her baby pinocchio).

Ry only wanted Uggs (boots) this year. But luckily she has other people who love her and saved her from only opening one gift that morning! She also got rain boots, 3 pairs of jeans, and some cash for more clothes! Girls this age are so funny.
Ave was a bit trickier, she also did not have any suggestions. She is a crafty chic and has to always have her hands busy so she really loved her new jewelry kit, designer kit and stencils, and a stack of wood and screws to help build a doll farmhouse bed. She has been busy creating ever since Christmas morning!

And Ani. Well this girl has a huge crush on Alvin so she was pretty happy to open this up. She also decided last minute she wanted a snow globe and a pink skateboard. And since she is one SPOILED girl.... My friend Marla saw a snow globe on Christmas Eve and bought it - she was thrilled! And her dad also being a sucker for that dimple and brown eyes and skateboarding had me run out to find a pink skateboard. Which she also loved.

We had a great Christmas! I realized putting our Holiday decor back into totes that this is our last Christmas here, that next year we will be putting them up in a new house in a new state. That was a little sad, we love it here and have met many great friends who we will miss! But it is also exciting to be one step closer to being done and settled and stable. That is something to be excited about. 2011 is finally here, we have waited for this for so long. GRADUATION. yeah!


  1. What a great Christmas! So nice to be surrounded by people here and then still be able to visit with the people back home--technology is awesome, isn't it!?
    Looks like there were lots of fun gifts! That chipmunk is pretty darn cute! lol

  2. Wow. What a fun Christmas. It's so nice just to stay at home all day and not have to run around everywhere visiting. I love Jossy and Ani's owl pj's. So cute. I love those girls. They are all so unique in they're own special way!!! :)Glad you had a good xmas!!!!
