Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Christmas Story

Yeah, thats right. We are huge Christmas story fans, right down to the two year old. So we were all super excited on dad's birthday to be able to go through the house where all the magic took place.

"Dad's gonna kill Ralphie"

This is Randy... you know Randy the little brother, mamas little piggy, I cant put my arms down Randy.

Oh wow... the original leg lamp! Ani's plan from the start was to touch the leg lamp ( not in the creepy Ralphie way) and she was not disappointed.

If you live in the Cleveland area you have to go to this! It was so much fun. Like I said even the two year old was so excited to see things from the movie- she kept saying "I saw that mom, I saw that in the wovie". And if you have not seen it then go watch it!


  1. So jealous right now. I know Adam would of loved to feel up and down the leg lamp. Looks like the kiddos had a blast. I wish I lived in Ohio. You guys have all the fun stuff. :)

  2. We totally love this movie too. We watch it all the time. We went to the house last year and walked through the museum. We didn't do the tour because we didn't want to spend the money but I totally regret it. I am so jealous you guys met Randy!!! So FUN!
