Rule at our house: Guy with the longest legs has to sit in the smallest spot in the car. Poor Jordy.
And this 'battle' may have been the best part of our weekend! We took our guests to a metro park to show off our beautiful area. And along the way we ran into this battle going on. These people were serious, they were all dressed up and had weapons and shields. Some were legless and squirming around or crawling to duel, some had lost their arms (holding them behind their backs), And some were just laying there dead. It was hilarious, I think we could have sat there laughing all day.
We skipped rocks for a good hour and only had two of the four girlies fall in- YEAH!
Jordan decided to do monkey bars across the bridge and of course it ended up being a bad idea and he cut himself a few times.
Then we hung out in the meadow for awhile. It was pretty fun. Jordan told the girls they had better start running because he was going to tackle them and they ran. But nobody could EVER out run his long legs. I think at this point he forgot they were 4, 9 and 11 and seriously body slammed them. Good thing they are tough.
Even 'Chunk' had a good time with our punks, he played around and held Punkys hand across the street and and near the water so she did not fall in. It was pretty cute seeing these unmarried, childless boys around the kids.
We cant wait to see them and the rest of our family very soon!
so much fun to have company! Everyone looks like they are in HEAVEN! :)