Weight: 14pounds 12 ounces (50%)
Height: 25 inches (80%)
~Is eating rice cereal and loving it! He eats half a cup every night. He says Mmmm Mmmmm as I feed him ~Has rolled over from back to belly a few times.
~Is the most chatty little guy- must thinks he is one of the girls.
~Sleeps until 5:00 a.m, wakes to eat, goes back to sleep until 10a.m.! Amazing sleeper
~Smiles and laughs but you really have to work for them, he is a mellow dude.
~Crying. Whats that? This boy never cries, he just kicks his legs and makes noises.
~Can almost hold his own bottle. Another month maybe?
~Is already in 6-9 month clothes, so sad putting away the newborn stuff
~Can hold things now and loves to play with toys.
~And is seriously just so stinking cute!!
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