The birthday girl requested crepes for breakfast and loved her pink streamers above the table. Anything with whipped cream and powdered sugar is a favorite of hers:)
She opened one gift while dad was at the hospital, a present from Grams.
She loves making doll clothes for all these grand daughters, and they are so cute they are always loved! Thanks Grams, now Jasmine is very stylish.
And poor girl wanted a big party with all her friends, but sadly she does not really have friends here yet! So we took her to Chuck E Cheeses to have a family party. Also a resident, his wife and little girl came to party with us:) The other resident took Jesses "on call" so he could come celebrate with her.
We then went home for presents and cake. Presents first of course:)
An awesome pink kitty helmet, perfect for skateboarding.
A polly pocket water park from sisters, la la loopsey dolls, more polly pockets, a new outfit, and the much anticipated......
GHOULIA YELPS DOLL!! She loves Monster High and most of all Ghoulia.
Next up, cake. And my very favorite birthday scowl! During the birthday song Ry sang Happy Birthday to Anistonkie, and she hates that nickname. And this is in fact the same scowl I see all day so I am so glad to finally have a picture of it.
We had to carry on the Monster High theme and made a matching cake. It was actually a rainbow cake in the MH colors and quite tasty:)
SO about this Ani girl. She is a tiny little thing with a lot of personality. She is in the 10th percent for height and currently not on the chart for her 35 pound weight. She is very smart and going to start all day Kindergarten in 22 days. She is so excited and I am so sad. I love having this girl home with me all day every day. But I do realize she is so ready and needs to move on:(
She is so funny! I have had so many people tell me she is the funniest kid they have ever met, I have one friend who she and her family sit around and tell Ani stories. I wish I had one to share but I am terrible at remembering them!
She loves the outdoors, loves hiking, climbing trees, running around playing soccer, splashing in water and top on her list is digging in the dirt. And almost always its in a skirt. She is also super crazy! I am always fearing for her safety, she gets this from her dad and uncle and it freaks me out. She told Jesse when I die that the two of them are going to do crazy things together.
Her best friend is her little sis, she loves her so much and is so good to her. They play so well and love to sit next to each other to play computer or watch movies.
She is a picky eater, her favorite food is watermelon and any junk food.
She is also SO girl. She is quite moody and can flip on you in an instant! But super sweet the other moments!!
She just told me to say that she is the cutest girl in the world and she likes to meet new friends and sometimes she tries new things and she loves toys.
We love this girl so much and could type all day about her, but won't. You probably know her and know how amazing she is anyways.
So... Happy Birthday to my six year old. XOXO