Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Happy 30th Birthday to ME!

For the big 3-0 Jesse and I went to Cedar Point. It was crazy and painful and super scary but so much fun!
I had to be tough and not think about the rides or else I would have wimped out. I ended up with bruised calves and only said no to 1 or 2 rides. It was a good day. I love my husband.

We made it home in time for cake and icecream with the punks. They gave me a card, earrings, bracelet and an ipod dock for the kitchen. I love these kids. I had a great Birthday and am really looking forward to the thirties.

Oh and Ry was here but is weird lately about being in pictures, she chooses to NOT be in them.


  1. looks like you had a Awsome bday!

  2. Glad you had a happy 30th sis. Wish we could have celebrated together :( Love ya!

  3. Happy birthday! Glad it was such a great one.

    Where did Aniston's hair come from?! Did it grow a few inches in one day?!

  4. Happy Birthday! You look amazing for 30! I am glad you guys were able to spend the day together.

  5. SO MUCH FUN!!! What a great getaway! And I agree with Sarah, you look FABULOUS! :) Happy birthday!
